Directed By:
James Cummins
Ed Nelson, Deborah Rose, Norman Fell, James Eustermann, Denise Young, Willie Stratford Jr. and Phyllis Diller
Rated R
Genre: Horror
Format Used: Netflix DVD
Contains: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence
Also Known As...
The Boneyard (Original Title)
A cop goes to a retired psychic to go one last case with him to answer a baffling question, why does a Chinese man have three
corpses in his basement. When they arrive at the morgue they find a snippy attendant and it turns out the corpses are older
then they thought, 500 years older and trapped within the bodies are ancient demons who start running amuck in attempt to
escape the morgue and find fresh victims.
I got to admit I was surprised by the Bone Yard, first of all I was surprised by the cast, Phyllis Diller and Normen Fell
in surprisingly serious parts. The iron part is Normen Fell plays the coroner in this movie, the ironic part is six years
later Audra Lindley who played Mrs. Roper plays a coroner in THE RELIC. That's a piece of trivia you can tell ask your friends,
the effects are impressive and the story works. This is a great movie worthy of attention, I don't know how it fell through
the cracks but check out this movie. 9 STARS

I agree and I know why he gave it 9 stars instead of 10. The Phyllis Diller character was somewhat annoying with her by the
book drill Sargent attitude. But that is kind of minor, the other characters are interesting and it is a better movie then
I was expecting, it's not just another dime a dozen zombie flick, it's kind of cool and I do agree it is worth watching.
9 STARS as well.
+ CREATURE EFFECTS (The creature effects are most impressive.)
+ STORY (The story works.)
+ CAST (The whole cast does a great job.)
+ PHYLLIS DILLER AND NORMEN FELL (Both in this serious movie, playing serious parts.)
+ EFFECTS (The effects are cool.)
+ CHARACTERS (Most of the characters work.)
- POOPINPLATZ (That character always talking rules got on VOLTRON'S nerves at times.)
- NOT FOR EVERYONE (If you have an iffy stomach, then this isn't the movie for you. It does get gross at times.)